Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Blog. Interesting word “Blog”. Well I guess this is my blog and welcome to it.
Blog. Twenty years ago if you had asked someone what a blog was they would have looked at you like you were from outer space. Then along came the world of cyber and low and behold there were blogs.
Blogs. I guess they are the worlds answer to advice columns and shrinks. It’s a way for people to speak out to the world. Let them know who they are how they feel, what they see, taste, hear, smell, touch. Communicate with other people. Maybe find people like themselves. Something to share, leave behind, let the world know that they were here and are here.
I first heard about blogs a quit some time ago. Maybe less. At first they didn’t interest me much. Sounded like a lot of nothing.
Talk, chatter, maybe a way to meet people. Then I got thinking about it.
About four years ago I thought I would write a book. “Ponderings of a mad man”, or “Your just jealous cause the voices are talking to me”, and it occurred to me, one night, that because these were just the ravings of a mad man and tended to float from one thing to another that the best way to get these thought to the world would be to take advantage of these “Blogs” and start putting my words and thoughts out there for the world to see.
I wanted to share my madness and see weather or not there were others out there like myself.