Sunday, August 15, 2010

Famous (and not so famous) quotes and last words.

Accept that you can only find peace when you learn to                                       love yourself.

On the Pond

I went fishing last night, well evening and night, and had the most wonderful experience. The pond was calm and smooth. A peaceful calm came over the water as night fell. There was a loon calling its haunting Melody echoing across the water. There were crickets singing and peepers calling. A gentle breeze as the boat drifted across the water.
It was wonderfully tranquil and peaceful. Most relaxing feeling. It gave me great peace of mind and gladdened my heart and seemed to wash away the cares of the world.
Would it not be wonderful to keep and share that peace and tranquility all the time. How much better the world would be and how much better we all would feel.
It is sad to think that as we chase the almighty dollar and the material things that we think we need we forget to appreciate the things we have and the miracle of the world around us.
Its a world of got to have. Got to have the fancy car. Got to have the fancy house. Cell phones, plasma TV, Blue ray player, 1000 watt surround sound home theater. Power boats and ATVs. When do you have enough. What is enough.
I have a home, a loving wife. I have a job and food to eat. I have friends and family to stand by.
I look out into my back yard. I see the blue sky, the bird that come to eat from the feeders. The squirrels and chipmunks that come to play. The flowers,  the trees. Quite times on the pond and fresh air to breath. What more could anyone want.
Look around you. See what you have. Be at peace with yourself and with others. Its not what you have or don't have that makes you who you are but what you do and how you live that leaves your mark upon this world.
Don't waste your time going for things, waste your time living.