Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Good Life

The Good Life

Are you a good person? Did you live a good life? Did you do all that you wanted to do? Where you able to do all that you wanted to do? Could you do all that you wanted to do? Should you have done all the things that you did? What is a good life? In who’s opinion is it or was it a good life? Would you do it again? Would you do it the same? If you knew then what you know now would you have done things differently? Do you have regrets? If you have regrets was it then indeed a "good life"?

Are you happy with where you are today? Do you like were things are going? Are there things that you would like to change or wish you could change?

What is a good life? Is your life a good life?

I think life is good. I don't know that I have lived a good life. There are things I've done that I shouldn't have. There are things I've done that I probably shouldn't have. There are things I probably should have done and things that I know I should have done.


Good things, bad things, dreams. Things I wish I done. Things I will do. Things I will never do. Things that will just never be or were never meant to be.


I think I have a “good life”. I have a job, a roof over my head, food in my stomach, a wonderful wife, great friends and family. I live in what I consider to be one of the most beautiful parts of the United States.

I don’t drive a fancy car or own a fancy truck but they get me where I’m going and do the jobs I need them to do.

I don’t live in a fancy house but it keeps me warm and keeps the weather off me and it’s the house that I have always wanted to live in.

I don’t have a lot of money but I try and do an honest day’s work for what I do have and it helps pay the bills. Would I like to make more, Sure who wouldn’t?

But in the end do any of these “things” make a difference? If I die tomorrow or the world comes to an end will it matter? I think not.


Did I have a “good life”?

Did I “live” a “good life”?

I would have to say not entirely. There are certainly things. “Bad” “Things” that I have done that I am not proud of, there are things I never should have done. There are bad things that happen to you or around you. There are many, many things I know I should have done. There are many, many things that I wish I had done.

Auto accidents, the death of loved ones, not going to collage. Those chances that I missed. The times I didn’t do what you knew was right. Those times I did things you knew were wrong but did them anyway.

Did I live a good life?

There were many, many good memories and good times. “Good” “things”. Those things I will always remember. Those things that I am proud that you did. There are things that I am glad I did and the things I had the opportunity to do.

Trips across the country, summers in Maine, camping, fishing, visiting family and friends. Loved ones, being loved by others, loving others back, first love, and first kiss. The love of a good woman. The love of my children, Children to love, the love of my friends, Friends to love. Teaching Sunday school.

Did I live a “good life”?

Do I have “regrets”?

I do not regret. If I had not done the things I’ve done I would not be the man I am today and I don’t think I am all that bad a dude. Regret is like a heavy weight. It will drag you down and make you miserable. It is like hate it is a waste of energy. What has happened has happened and you can’t change that. All you can do is learn from your mistakes. Change the things you can. Except the things you can’t and live your life to the best of your ability. Try and make yourself a better person and the world a better place to be.

Do I have regrets?

No but I am sorry. I am sorry for the people I hurt. Friends, family, the people I know, and the people I knew. I’m sorry for the things I’ve done and I shouldn’t have. I’m sorry for the things I should have done but didn’t. I’m sorry for the things I could have.

We all have “ghosts”. Things in our past that we wish we had done or wish we hadn’t done. Things we should have done, could have done, wish we had done. Those things that we wanted to do but didn’t or sometimes just couldn’t.

Nobody is perfect and I don’t know if there is such a thing as a “perfect” life. From sinner to saint we all have something there. Something that we wish was different. But we must come to terms with what the powers that be have given us and what we have chosen to do with it and what we will do with it.

Do I have “regrets”?

Do I have a good life? Yes. I have a roof over my head, food in me belly and the love of a good woman, family and friends.

Did I “Live” a good life? Not entirely. But the past is just that. Past. There is nothing that you can do about it. The best you can do is learn and keep moving on. Do better and try harder and leave this place a better place. Cherish the time we are given, the people we have, the life we live. The gifts around us that we are given each day.

Do I regret? No. But I am sorry.

Did I live a good life?

The Good Life.

Judge not others least ye be judged yourself.