Friday, April 13, 2012

What if's........

Do you ever get the what if's. I don't know what to make of the what if's. What if I had done this or that. What if I "do" this or that. So many unanswered questions. Which of course lead to the "why's". I at 50 yrs old can not for the life of me figure out what it's all about. The almighty dollar ? We spend the better part of our lives making money for someone else. You work a job. Your making money for the owners and the "board members" and who ever else has their hands in the til. If you work for yourself your still giving that money away to someone else. Its impossible in this day and age for the average Joe to keep a roof over his or her head, food on the table and cloths on their backs. So this is life and living ? I don't think so. At least not in my book.
Then lets add a little religion to the mix. According to most "religions" we live or exist to walk the path of a higher being. Yet they take money in the name of  "God". They have and still do wage wars in the name of their "Gods". The clergy get tax breaks. Um excuse me but should we lead by example. They should learn to be humble before their lord and live as the meek do. They are no different then us. Live like us.
And what's with these oil companies. Billion dollar profits per quarter and their charging 4 dollars at the pump. What is wrong with this picture.
Our government officials sit on there asses getting fatter while the rest of us have got to scrape the bottom of the garbage can in hopes of some thing to eat. Lets see them live off 27k, 28k a year.What is this world coming to that we can't even take care of each other.
So what if........
What's it all for? What's the point? What's the meaning?